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Get the most out of life!

So weight loss, weight gain what’s the difference? You and I know that weight gain always seems so much easier than weight loss right?


You’ve probably tried many diet plans and it works for a while, then something changes and you go back to square one. Maybe  you question yourself, why me? Why is my metabolism so slow? Where is a magic wand when you need one? 

Well, how nice would it be to have a magic wand, be the perfect size, have the clearest skin, the best clothes? But in my opinion we are all perfectly incomplete but there is still something missing! What is your relationship like with yourself? Do you love yourself? You're probably thinking Natalie 'how do I do that?' I can help you.. But let’s see what else we can relate to? 


I bet you’re the type of person that pleases everyone, maybe you had your priorities in a muddle but you didn’t realise it? Because your good nature is to help others. You don’t want to be selfish but sometimes it’s okay to be a bit ‘self-(ish)’. Is there a pattern that you can see? Late night eating, binging, snacking, portion sizes and the big one - emotional eating. Can you differentiate between emotional eating and real hunger? I can teach you this, once you learn strategies to help you connect with your body and treat it in the way it deserves, then you will know when your body needs food for fuel. 


Now no one is saying cut out sugar or cut out carbs. I wouldn’t want to do that. But it’s about control, knowing your limits, knowing your worth! Learning about yourself, not looking at all the foods you ‘can’t have’ but look at the delicious healthier options. It’s all about choices...


Do you know how to interrupt your patterns? I can help with that, don’t worry! Are you fixed on the numbers on the scale and eventually that number drives you round the bend? What does it feel like when you have been good for one whole week and only lose a pound? I'll tell you now losing a pound a week would be 3 stone 10 lbs lost in a year. That’s amazing right? What about your mindset, are you set in your routine? Do you snack the same time everyday? Maybe when you get home with the children they eat, so you eat? Eating for the sake of eating, have you heard that one before? 

Are you the type of person that loves a celebration, because most of us like to celebrate with great food. Or does it go deeper than that and your inner critic is too harsh that you don’t want to socialise? Maybe you're embarrassed of your body size and your clothes are getting too tight? If that relates to you where is your kindness for yourself? Do you look in the mirror daily and say negative words to yourself or can you not bear to look in the mirror? I want you to look in the mirror whether it’s in your birthday suit or your best outfit and love yourself unconditionally. I want you to celebrate yourself, your progress, your curves, stretch marks, those flabby bits. We all have them it’s part of us and you are unique! Sometimes there is room for change and that’s okay we can sort it together. 


Now what’s your relationship with food like, do you see it as an emotional support? When you’re sad, anxious, emotional do you seek food for comfort? Is it your friend or enemy? What’s your favourite foods that comfort you? What foods are good for your body? You already know the right and wrong foods. It’s about the balance and seeing food from a different light, it keeps us alive, it gives us energy and it tastes good no denying that. But it’s about having control and balance between different foods and knowing why you are eating them.

Let’s talk about the Monday starters... (I was one) “its Thursday so I'll start my diet Monday, then it's a fresh week... I'll start again.” How many times have you convinced yourself that Monday is your life changing day, why not Thursday? Again these are patterns and thoughts that become so prominent and a certain part of the routine that we rely on. Let’s not forget the few extra days we give ourselves to eat what we want. 

Now body size, shape, curve, thick, thin, fat, skinny, ugly, disgusting, I’m sure you can understand where I’m going with these negative hurtful words. If we feed our mind with these words, we really start to believe them. When you look at the fashion models in the magazines or your favourite singer on the TV, do you compare yourself? Are they your idol/ role model? That’s great as long as we don’t compare! The best version of you is there but sometimes you don’t see it. That’s where the masterpiece I talk about on my website intro comes in. I found my masterpiece... I learnt the power with learning that I’m always perfectly incomplete. There is always progress to be made but it's about learning to be okay with who you are now, knowing that change is possible.

Last thing, out of many to mention is approval. Are you seeking approval from a significant other, family, friends, colleagues or social media followers? I’ll leave you with this thought...

What about seeking the approval from yourself?


If these questions hit home to you then I’m not going to say to you “well that’s why you’re overweight!” I want you to realise that this is the first step to losing weight and in around 6 sessions I can completely reframe the way you think regarding food. I will teach you how to tell the difference between real physical hunger that is telling your brain that ‘yes’ you’re hungry and fake emotional hunger that appears from nowhere and demands food ‘now!’ I will give you solid, professional counselling and you will feel as though we are taking these steps together, side by side in your journey back to happiness and fulfilment. I have an incredible zest for life and I believe that every human being deserves happiness. I believe that every single one of us was born beautiful and perfect but our paths in life are all different and so for whatever reason some of us end up where we are now, not feeling beautiful, not feeling perfect and like I said earlier it doesn’t matter how you look at it but you’re here now. Maybe it’s fate. The main thing is that I feel right now you are ready to change, ready to see life differently, the way I do and I will fill you full of these positive feelings and thoughts with life coaching, hypnosis and more. 


You do not have to have hypnotherapy for amazing changes, it's an added bonus that I am willing to share with you. If you would like to. 


One last question, do I sound like all the other hypnotherapy websites you’ve looked at?

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