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Don't hold yourself back 

So maybe a change in your job has meant that you now need to stand up and do a presentation to your peers? Maybe you've been given the role of best man and you need to do that all important witty speech? Maybe you've already done some public speaking and you felt it went terribly? You gave them your funniest line imagining the whole audience falling about laughing, only to be left with the room staring at you in total silence as a tumbleweed blew past! Whatever your situation, you will now have begun the process of worrying about how it will turn out. Not only do you begin to rehearse the speech in your mind, you also begin to rehearse all of the irrational worries you have about how badly it will go. As we begin this rehearsal of negative cognitions, these thoughts cause us to have negative feelings in our body too. A tight chest perhaps, palpitations, sweating or blushing and when we eventually get to the big day we simply want to run away and hide.


Now you don't have to. This can be a speech in staff training with 5 people or to a room of 1000's. Imagine being/feeling totally empowered and confident. Imagine having no fear at all knowing that it will go just as planned, if not better. I have taken the most nervous of clients and coached them, encouraged them and gently nudged them towards their big day, so they delivered the most relaxed natural speech again and again. I will even help you craft your speech and tell the story in a witty, memorable way using a strategy that makes it almost impossible to forget the words. Intrigued?

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